Relaxation, Imagery and Visualization

(Editor’s note: Writer, BEST guest blog contributor, and stroke survivor, Isaac Peterson, shares some terrific techniques for relaxation, positive imagery and visualization. Thank you, Isaac for these helpful and important tips! KT) Anyone who has read my writing for any length of time might have picked up that I’m a big believer in positive visualization (more…)

Self-Care Superheroes!

Is there a real-life superhero in your life that shows you the way to self-care?  Do you know a survivor, caregiver or community supporter who is putting the power in personal empowerment? Someone who soaring to new heights? Doing cool things?  Bringing superhero-size support to the brain injury community? Nominate your superhero for the BEST Superhero of (more…)

You may have some questions…

You might have some questions like this: Where can I get the latest updates from you? How can I connect with my brain injury support group? How can I connect to others in the brain injury community? What things can I do online at BEST? Where can I share information or stories? We’ve got answers! (more…)

Creativity is a Superpower: Possibility

As brain injury awareness month comes to a close, we’ve explored our personal creativity and how it propels us forward as a superpower.   It’s the most important superpower we have in so many ways, especially right now.  Here’s to your possibilities, today and every day!  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0