Writing is the BEST

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is looking to expand our website blog to include additional guest bloggers. If you are a: brain injury survivor; caregiver or family member of a brain injury survivor; medical professional who works directly with the brain injury community; subject matter expert in nutrition and/or wellness and have an interest or a (more…)

New: Superhero Party in a Bag!

We’ve got something special for superheroes of all ages! The Superhero Shoppe (located inside Our BEST Space in University Place, Washington) is excited to offer a cool new product that makes having a superhero party for kids (or adults!) easy-peasy. Introducing a Superhero Shoppe exclusive: ⭐The Superhero Party in a Bag⭐ Superhero Party in a (more…)

Who will be next?

Drum roll, please…. Who will be our next BEST Superhero of the Month? Maybe the real-life superhero in your life? Maybe YOU? Click here to learn more on how to nominate your superhero. It’s fast, easy and awesome. There’s more: We will be building more superheroes this fall! Join us November 27, 2018. No tools (more…)

A Store By And For Superheroes!

Want to be a superhero? Then visit us at the Superhero Shoppe for all your superhero and gift needs! Here are all the details: Who: All Superheroes and their friends! What: A shoppe that offers fun and unique superhero gifts, accessories and more. Proceeds from the Superhero Shoppe support the superheroes of the brain injury (more…)

In 9 Tuesdays….

Mark your calendars (November 27, 2018): In only 9 Tuesdays…. We will be honoring and building superheroes! Join us for the super celebration on Tuesday, November 27, 2018. All are welcome!   BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

The BEST Superhero of the Month September 2018

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is honored to announce our BEST Superhero of the Month for September 2018. Congratulations to Melody Paz, a superhero mom and survivor. Known for her inspiring spirit and perseverance, Melody approaches her journey forward with positive energy while also supporting her family and fellow superheroes. Here’s what her nominator (more…)