Letter to WA Facilitators

Dear Friends, There are many words that come to mind when I think of what’s happening in our local communities, our country and our world right now. From the worldwide health pandemic to community unrest and anger, and everything else in between, it is overwhelming to say the very least. So many changes all at (more…)

(NEW): BEST Launches New Website Feature Soon

Coming soon (NEW):  BESTies will have more superpowers online through the BEST website! On May 22, 2020, we’ll be sharing a new website feature that supports the brain injury community in a super and fun new way. Stay tuned! 💚😉    BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

You may have some questions…

You might have some questions like this: Where can I get the latest updates from you? How can I connect with my brain injury support group? How can I connect to others in the brain injury community? What things can I do online at BEST? Where can I share information or stories? We’ve got answers! (more…)