Ask Kim: Your Questions, Your Answers

Do you have a question that we can help answer?  BEST Communication Manager, Kim Thompson, will take your questions and in turn, she’ll provide an upcoming video response on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 29, 2020 (questions due by Tuesday, April 28,2020 at 5 pm).  If you have questions about:  The Brain Energy Support Team (more…)

Brain Teasers


(Editor’s note: Writer and BEST blog contributor Isaac Peterson has come up with a creative way to spend his time at home right now; challenging himself with brain teasers. Try them out yourself below. KT

Like most people right now, I’m mostly stuck indoors having the opposite of fun.

Everyone who lives in this house is stuck in here with me, and all the people, and the sound that goes with it, is really giving my traumatic brain injury (TBI), a good working over.

How am I going to last without going stark raving loony from the sensory overload? 

At least I like to read, and between books and the internet, I have plenty of reading material, .

Looking through my books for the next one to read reminded me of a book I used to own, and like, as a sixth grader. The book was called One Minute Mysteries and contained fictional situations and challenged the reader to come up with explanations for them.

Most of them weren’t really obvious, either. They took some real thinking outside the box; some of the answers would cause someone to do a face palm because the explanation was so obvious once you found out what it was.

Here are some one minute mysteries, I found, also called brain teasers (just the thing for people with brain injuries, eh?).

Want to see how many you can solve? 

Each numbered mystery is directly followed by the answer.

Support Group Members: BEST Virtual Volunteers Sought!

Volunteer virtually for the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)!  If you participate in a brain injury support group in Washington State, either as a support group facilitator or a support group member or participate in our BEST virtual brain injury support group and/or caregiver group in Second Life, we are seeking the following virtual volunteers:  (more…)

Your Self-Care: Email BEST Your Self-Care Practices

Your Self-Care (NEW): We are putting together a guide of self-care practices from our community and would LOVE your contributions. Share your thoughts with us (see video) Thank you! ❤️⚡ BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Relaxation, Imagery and Visualization

(Editor’s note: Writer, BEST guest blog contributor, and stroke survivor, Isaac Peterson, shares some terrific techniques for relaxation, positive imagery and visualization. Thank you, Isaac for these helpful and important tips! KT) Anyone who has read my writing for any length of time might have picked up that I’m a big believer in positive visualization (more…)

To Your Wellness: BESTie Shares Personal Tips on Managing Anxiety

The real-life superheroes of the BEST community have the most amazing superpower: sharing their wellness practices with each other.  Jennifer McCarthy is one of those superheroes.  Jennifer, a language instructor, artist and musician, moved from the East Coast with her husband in the year 2000 to Moses Lake and became a mom to two children. (more…)