BEST & Etopia: A Partnership For the Pandemic Era

We have been offering discussion groups, workshops, and presentations in Second Life since 2009 and opened our official Second Life office at Etopia in 2010.  In May of 2020 we moved all of our programming online and into our main campus; also at Etopia. Because of the restrictions the COVID-19 pandemic placed on our community (more…)

Continuing To Be The BEST For You!

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday. You probably know that from all of the emails that came into your inbox yesterday reminding you it was Giving Tuesday. Admittedly, we sent a couple of reminders, too. There are many causes, many reasons, and many stories. Stories like Holly’s, from our BEST group in Second Life who said, “Because (more…)

Harvest Party With Our Etopia BESTies!

We know that because of COVID many Americans could not spend the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends as in past years. So, we hosted the BEST Etopia Harvest Celebration in Second Life. You might be saying to yourself, “Second Life! That’s a video game!” It’s not. Second Life is an amazing, not to mention (more…)

BEST Launches COVID-19 Impact Fund In Response To High Rate of Brain Injury and COVID-19

We know a brain injury dramatically impacts both an individual and their family. Whether it’s for the short term or for a lifetime a brain injury changes our lives in both visible and invisible ways. Now, research is showing that the COVID-19 has significant neurological consequences for the majority of those recovering from the virus. (more…)

BEST Mantras To Increase Your Happiness & Health

After a brain injury, it’s common for us to expect more than we might be capable of at the moment. We are, after all, our hardest critics in the best of times, let alone when we’re struggling to establish our identity and figure out what we can do and what is more difficult after a (more…)