The 2019 Washington State TBI Conference in Spokane, Washington April 15-16, 2019, is a wrap! Here are some of our favorite pictures in video to mark the event. We will be sharing additional recaps and more soon. Stay tuned! Many thanks to the real-life superheroes of the brain injury community. You are truly the BEST! (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is heading eastbound with our excitement, support and love in tow for the 2019 Washington State TBI Conference April 15-16th in Spokane, Washington. We are looking forward to seeing old friends, making new friends and celebrating the real-life superheroes from Washington State! 💚 We will be adding recaps, photos, (more…)
As a reminder, Our BEST Space and the Superhero Shoppe will be closed for the week of April 15, 2019 due to the 2019 Washington State TBI Conference. We will reopen our community center and shop the week of April 22, 2019 (regular hours–click here to view our schedule). Thank you for your understanding! The (more…)
Reminder: Registrations for the 2019 WA State TBI Conference in Spokane, WA April 15-16th are DUE THIS FRIDAY, April 5th. Due to conference, Our BEST Space and the Superhero Shoppe will be closed for the week of April 15th due to the conference. BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
The 2019 Washington State TBI Conference will be held on April 15, 2019 (from 3 pm to 7pm) and April 16, 2019 (9 am to 4 pm) at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Spokane, Washington. Registration is REQUIRED to attend. Registration can be done online (see flyer below) and all registrations are DUE April 5, 2019.  (more…)