Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury

(Editor’s note: Writer Isaac Peterson shares some of the processes and basic terminology for diagnosing brain injury. This article does not serve as medical advice; please consult a doctor for follow up. KT). A few times here I’ve mentioned how important it is to get traumatic brain injuries (TBI) diagnosed and treated as soon as (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month October 2019

The equation is simple, but powerful.  Arts + Community = SUPER.  At the beautiful and iconic Tacoma Art Museum (TAM) , this museum is indeed super. For well over 80 years, the museum has been connecting people and communities with art, with rich and engaging installations, programming, events and education.   That’s why the Brain Energy (more…)

(Spokane, WA): It was a dark, chilly night….

It was a dark, chilly night in Chatteroy, Washington, just outside of Spokane.  While there were frights (and delights!) in the night at the Hillbilly Haunted House holiday event, BEST was on hand to greet event patrons with some delights (no frights!) of their own.  We had a fun and “spirited” time talking with folks (more…)